In this light-hearted and poignant tale, author Richard Miller ponders the questions that learned scholars have mused over for years.
Why are we here and what really matters?
People on a quest for the answers have looked to the stars for guidance. They have solicited advice from clergy. They have gone on retreats and walkabouts.
In Outside the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter asks newly arrived Alan Geddes five critical questions that will put a different spin on ‘What really matters.’
These are the questions that will also determine whether he can journey beyond the Pearly Gates to a joyous place where it’s always seventy-two degrees and you don’t need any sleep.
Does Alan have the right answers?
Do you?


Richard Miller has been balancing a combination of writing, speaking, coaching and running a multi-state company for more than thirty years.
He speaks and writes on leadership, ethics in business, and investment strategies to business groups and university classes around Southern California.
Richard lives in Laguna Beach with his wife of over three decades. They were each touring tennis professionals and met on a tennis court.

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Copyright © 2017 Richard Miller

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